三磊六东国际(SUNLD DESIGN INTERNATIONAL CO. LTD.)是一间在中国及美国注册的国际化的建筑工程设计与咨询机构。多年来,我们力图结合中外优秀文化和先进的科学技术来创造出最完美的建筑设计作品,使它成为连接中西方文化和建筑设计的一座桥梁。我们的核心设计团队富有丰富的国际国内项目的实践经验,曾参与并主持过大量的欧美国家和地区的项目设计,许多项目都曾经获得各种奖项。同时,我们也是国际国内设计市场的积极参与力量,接受TRANSCULTURAL(跨文化)设计的挑战。三磊六东国际的前身为六东国际,成立于2003年,后重新注册为三磊六东国际。
SUNLD DESIGN INTERNATIONAL CO. LTD. is a design-oriented professional firm with a profound American and European background. The booming economy of China provides architects an ever-wide stage to try out their design flair. The emerging Chinese architecture of its own kind, although constrained by the society, has been pursued with great enthusiasm. In China, SUNLD Design International acts as a bridge to connect multi-culture professional all over the world to exchange ideas to solve design problems.
我们的业务范围 / WHAT WE DO
SUNLD Design International provides services in the field of city planning, urban design, architectural design, environmental and landscape design and interior design. It will help clients to go through all stages of the design process: feasibility study, programming, schematic design, design development, and site administration. SUNLD Design International has been collaborated with renowned firms in US, France, and China, and has won wide recognition on a lot of projects.
我们的工作方式 / HOW WE DO

Our staff with different cultural background and experience have the expertise in the field of design. Most of them have more than one academic degree in the profession and can speak English. No matter how their personal views and achievements are, they are full of enthusiasm in design. They work as a team, listening to the needs of their clients and learn from each other. In doing so, they enrich their life and bring their spirit into the design.
我们的团队 / WHO WE ARE
  • 三磊六东国际的设计团队集结了国内外的优秀的设计力量,包括对自身国情有独特设计见解及意识的国内成员和有着多年创意设计的欧美建筑师。
  • SUNLD Design International team gathers outstanding design ability from home and abroad, consisting of Chinese architects who hold unique understanding and awareness towards the architectural market in China as well as western architects with years of experience in creative designing.
    Our design principle formed through the years of collaboration is to face the market with macro international forward thinking, place our clients with the highest priority and to produce high caliber sustainable development designs through incorporating variations in region.
    Through adopting internationally acclaimed management models, we are able to effectively break down the project in order to fully utilize our human resource and provide professional architectural designing service filled with innovation. We treat our employees with compassion which helps to attract, retain and encourage talent from multi-background because we believe that a diversified entrepreneurial environment is optimal to foster the growth of creativity.